Bay 2, 4616 - 6A St. NE
Calgary, AB T2E 4B5
t: 403.276.5844
f: 403.775.4485
e: sales@westcanbuilders.com
Calgary, AB T2E 4B5
t: 403.276.5844
f: 403.775.4485
e: sales@westcanbuilders.com

Construction Services
Westcan Builders is a full service General Contractor. We have a highly skilled team of enthusiastic Project Mangers, Site Supervisors, Carpenters and Laborers committed to providing you with the highest level of service. We are dedicated to seeing a project through from inception to completion and along with the general construction of your project we offer other services such as permit application, recommending cost saving/alternate products to use, as well as directing our clients to designers to help them fabricate plans for their new space.
Call now for a free consultation to see how Westcan Builders Ltd. can meet and exceed your construction needs.